Saturday, February 15, 2014

33 Questions (S01E01)

“'Any questions?' 'Like, a million,' Creel said. 'Great. Make a list. You've got thirty more weeks to ask ’em.'”
The following is my list of thirty-three questions I have now that I want to see answered by end of the series and I will check them off as I go along. (My personal speculation in parentheses.)
  1. Who is Mr. Ins (Is he a character we will be introduced to as someone else?) 
  2. What is Mr. Ins’s true motive behind The 33? 
  3. Where can the Farmhouse travel? (Mars, underwater, space?) 
  4. What is Adison Creel’s back-story? 
  5. What makes the recruits so unique? 
  6. How good is Cookies’s cooking? 
  7. What is Bliss’s back-story? (Was she a hipster before it was cool?) 
  8. What’s the deal with Adison Creel’s flask? 
  9. Is the farmhouse truly secure in a cornfield? (Will a random farmer come across it, do they know, will google maps take a picture, will the evil villains find it?)
  10. Will Adison Creel finish his duty after 33 weeks? (Die, relieved, or stay on?) 
  11. Who are the gods? (Is like a Marvel universe type understanding of gods or a Mur Lafferty-type situation?) 
  12. What are all the sub-branches of The 33? 
  13. What is with the mismatched random plate-where? (are they just thrifty?) 
  14. “It’s stitched into your bone marrow. That’s what the nanorgtech injection was. You know, after your recruitment? From the doctor? The Swede? The stuff self-replicated. It’s embedded in every bone in your body. You’re now a walking, talking GPS and p-radio transmitter-receiver.”         Am I missing something? Does this refer to nanotechnology or something more specific? Why does it have an extra “r” and “g”. This shouldn't distract me this much. but it does. 
  15. What are the martians like?
  16. Is there life on any other planets besides Earth and Mars?
  17. Are there other bases like The Farmhouse?
    Current Base Location
  18. Who is the Swedish doctor? (Does she have a DNAC computer?)
  19. Will we see politics come into play?
  20. How was Azael able to transport?
  21. Where does the money come from for the resources for The 33?
  22. Why does the idea of a mismatched team seem like a tactical advantage? (Obviously it’s an important literary advantage.)
  23. What is GIO up to? (This must be just the main plot for this arc of Pramantha.)
  24. Did the swingers at the beginning of the story have any idea what they were doing when they killed themselves? (Does the reader?)
  25. What is the survival rate of the volunteers at The 33?
  26. Why Nebraska?
  27. Is Nebraska the semi-permanent location of The Farmhouse when not on missions?
  28. Have any civilians noticed any strange phenomena surround The 33 and their missions?
  29. Will we get new cover art for each installment of every part of the story?
  30. How old is Mr. Ins? What constitutes "really old"?
  31. What or who is Driver, Garage, and Booster?
  32. Will we see Mad_Ana's kid?
  33. Why the name “The 33”?

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